April 9, 2014 Story Time - Earth Day

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Recycling Is Fun  by Charles Ghigna*
Let's Save Water  by Sara E. Nelson
You Can Help  by Jennifer B. Gillis*
Let's Reduce Garbage  by Sara E. Nelson*
Earth Day, Birthday!  by Maureen Wright*
The Dumpster Diver  by Janet S. Wong
Let's Reuse  by Sara E. Nelson

For our craft we colored a small Earth and made it into a necklace to wear

Extra Activities:

Recycling In My Home (sing to "Wheels on the bus")
Recycling in my home goes round and round
round and round, round and round
recycling in my home goes round and round
all through the day
Tie up the papers and take them back
take them back, take them back
tie up the papers and take them back
all through the day
Crush the cans and take them back
take them back, take them back
crush the cans and take them back
all through the day
Rinse the milk bottles and take them back
take them back, take them back
rinse the milk bottles and take them back
all through the day
Save the glass and take it back
take it back, take it back
save the glass and take it back
all through the day

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