December 20, 2017 Story Time - Santa

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Goodnight Santa  by Michelle Robinson & Nick East*
Here Comes Santa Cat  by Deborah Underwood*
Ho-Ho-Hopeless Santa  by Rebecca Gerlings & Sarah Jennings
Santa Claus  by Jo Ryan & Hermione Edwards*

For our craft we made a Santa like this:

Extra activities
Where is Santa? ( we used paper Santa puppets for this song)
(sung to "Are you sleeping?)
Where is Santa? where is Santa?
Here I am! here I am!
Merry, merry Christmas, merry, merry Christmas!
Ho! ho! ho!, ho! ho! ho!

Christmas Cheer
(sung to "We wish you a merry Christmas")
Let's all do a little clapping,
let's all do a little clapping,
let's all do a little clapping,
and spread Christmas cheer
*Change the clapping to other activities:
(Ask the kids for other ideas)

December 13, 2017 Story Time - Bears

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Bear Sees Colors  by Karma Wilson & Jane Chapman*
Bear Hugs  by Libby Walden*
Bear Snores On  by Karma Wilson
Share, Big Bear, Share!  by Maureen Wright*

For our craft we made a bear using a CD like this:

Extra activities

Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around
teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground
teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
teddy bear, teddy bear, wink one eye
teddy bear, teddy bear, slap your knees
teddy bear, teddy bear, sit down please

Five Little Bears
One little bear
wondering what to do
along came another
then there were two!
two little bears
climbing up a tree
along came another
then there were three!
three little bears
ate an apple core
along came another
then there were four!
four little honey bears
found honey in a hive
along came another
then there were five!

Counting Berries
One berry, two berries, three berries, four!
five berries, six berries, seven berries, more!
eight berries, nine berries, ten berries, then.....
we count them all over again!
then back down again!

December 6, 2017 Story Time - Mittens

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

The Mitten  by Jan Brett*
My Red Mittens  by Candy Crocker*
Chicken in Mittens  by Adam Lehrhaupt

For our craft we glued paper mittens on paper then added sequins to decorate them

Extra activities
We played a mitten matching game

While we read 'The Mitten' each child was given a paper animal from the story that they brought up and placed in a bag