August 26, 2015 Story Time - Numbers & Counting

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

The Baseball Counting Book  by Barbara Barbieri McGrath*
My First Look at Numbers  by Jane Yorke
Dinosaurs Count!  by Ava Saviola
Monster Knows Numbers  by Lori Capote*
Dinosaur Countdown  by Nicholas Oldland*
Numbers Everywhere  by Elliott Kaufman
Beaches and Bicycles a Summer Counting Book  by Rebecca Fjelland Davis*
National Geographic Little Kids Ocean Counting  by Janet Lawler
Polar Animals! A Counting Backward Book  by Rebecca Fjelland Davis*
123 versus ABC  by Mike Boldt

For our craft we painted apples with out finger tips on a picture of an apple tree. Every paper had a different amount of apples that needed to be added to the apple tree.

Extra activities:
We played a number guessing game. I held up a number from one to ten and the children had to guess what number it was

Number songs:
Ten in a Bed
There were ten in a bed and the little one said,
roll over, roll over (rolling motion)
so they all rolled over and one fell out
there were nine in the bed and the little one said,
roll over, roll over
so the all rolled over and one fell out
(repeat until you reach one)
there was one in the bed and the little one said, good night!

Ten Fingers
I have ten fingers (hold up both hands, fingers spread)
and they all belong to me (point to yourself)
I can make them do things-
would you like to see?

I can shut them up tight (make fists)
I can open them wide (oen hands)
I can put them together (place palms together)
I can make them all hide (put hands behind your back)

I can make them jump high (hands over head
I can make them jump low (touch the floor)
I can fold them up quietly (fold hands in lap)
and hold them just so

August 19, 2015 Story Time - Shapes

If you missed this week's story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Bear in a Square  by Stella Blackstone*
The Shape of My Heart  by Mark Sperring
Dinosaur Shapes  by Ava Saviola*
Shapes at Home  by Lisa Bruce
Go, Shapes, Go!  by Denise Fleming*
Shapes  by Sara Pistoia
Circle, Square, Moose  by Kelly L. Bingham

For our craft we made an owl like this one:

Extra activities:

We played a shape guessing game. I held up a paper with the word of a shape on it and the children had to guess what shape it was by sounding out the words.

August 2015 Story Time - The Alphabet

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Do Your ABC's Little Brown Bear  by Jonathan London*
C is for Cake!  by Laura Purdie Salas
Dinosaur ABCs  by Ava Saviola*
The Sleepy Little Alphabet  by Judy Sierra
8 an Animal Alphabet  by Elisha Cooper
R is for rocket: an ABC Book  by Tad Hills
Race from A to Z  by Jon Scieszka
B Is for Bulldozer  by June Sobel*
Once Upon an Alphabet  by Oliver Jeffers

For our craft we made a lion mask found here, and then glued it to a craft stick:

Extra activities
We played a game with letters. I made the sound of each letter and the children had to guess which letter fit the sound

Five little lions all in a row
one ran away, where did he go?
four little lions left to play
one went home, he could not stay
three little lions chasing one another
one went into the jungle to find her mother
two little lions loudly roaring
one fell asleep and now he's snoring
one little lion without a friend,
left to eat supper back at the den
no little lions left today
come back tomorrow and again we'll play

Animals at the Zoo
Sung to "The Wheels on the Bus"
The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar,
roar, roar, roar,
roar, roar, roar,
the lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar,
all day long

the snakes at the zoo go hiss, hiss, hiss,
hiss, hiss, hiss,
hiss, hiss, hiss
the snakes at the zoo go hiss, hiss, hiss
all day long

the monkeys at the zoo go oooh, oooh, oooh,
oooh, oooh, oooh,
oooh, oooh, oooh,
the monkeys at the zoo go oooh, oooh, oooh,
all day long

August 5, 2015 Story Time - Dinosaurs

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Dinosaur Dig!  by Penny Dale*
How to Raise a Dinosaur  by Natasha Wing
The Greatest Dinosaur Ever  by Brenda Z. Guiberson*
Buying, Training & Caring for Your Dinosaur  by Laura Joy Rennert
If I had a Triceratops  by George O'Connor*
The Dinosaurs are Having a Party!  by Gareth P. Jones
First Picture Dinosaurs  by Jo Litchfield*
The Somethingosaur  by Tony Mitton*
Never ask a Dinosaur to Dinner  by Gareth Edwards & Guy Parker-Rees*
Tyrannosaurus Math  by Michelle Markel

For our craft we made stand up dinosaurs like the one here:

Extra activities:
We counted up to ten and back down again, then we sang this song:
One little, two little, three little dinosaurs
four little, five little, six little dinosaurs
seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs
ten little dinosaurs living in the forest