March 26, 2014 Story Time - Your Face

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Whose Nose Is This?  by Wayne Lynch*
Another Mouth to Feed  by Michael Dahl
The Body Book  by Shelley Rotner*
Caring For Your Teeth  by Sian Smith*
Here Are My Hands  by Bill Martin, Jr.*
Watch Your Tongue, Cecily Beasley  by Lane Fredrickson
The Nose Book  by Al Perkins

For our craft we pasted a face on a paper plate then added a hand with a tissue glued to it so it covered the mouth and nose

Extra activities:

We talked about the letter "F", the sound it makes and other words that begin with "F"

We talked about the parts of our faces (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, tongue, cheeks, etc)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes

Touch Your Nose
Touch your nose
touch your chin
that's the way this game begins
touch your eyes
touch your knees
now pretend you're going to sneeze
touch your hair
touch one ear
touch your two red lips right here
touch your elbows
where they bend
that's the way this touch game ends

I Wiggle
I wiggle my fingers
I wiggle my toes
I wiggle my shoulders
I wiggle my nose
now no more wiggles
are left in me
so I will be still
as still as can be

March 19, 2014 Story Time - Feet

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Who Has These Feet?  by Laura Hulbert*
The Foot Book  by DR. Seuss
Dancing Feet!  by Lindsey Craig*
Whose Feet?  by Nina Hess*
Beach Feet  by Kiyomi Konagaya

For our craft we traced our foot and then measured ourselves and other items in the meeting room

Extra activities:

We talked about the letter "F", the sound it makes and other words that start with "F"

Head and Shoulders
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes
Eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
Head shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes

I Can
I can walk with two feet, two feet, two feet
I can walk with two feet all day long
I can skip with two feet, two feet, two feet
I can skip with two feet all day long
I can jump with two feet, two feet, two feet
I can jump with two feet all day long
I can march with two feet, two feet, two feet
I can march with two feet all day long
I can run with two feet, two feet, two feet
I can run with two feet all day long
I can hop with two feet, two feet, two feet
I can hop with two feet all day long
I can slide with two feet, two feet, two feet
I can slide with two feet all day long

My Two Hands, My Two Feet (tune Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
My two hands go clap, clap, clap
My two feet go stamp, stamp, stamp
My two hands go thump, thump, thump
My two feet go jump, jump, jump
My body can turn around and around
and now my body can quietly sit down

March 12, 2014 Story Time - Your Hands

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Clap Your Hands  by Lorinda Bryan Cauley*
Wash Your Hands  by Tony Ross
Washing My Hands  by Elizabeth Vogel*
Eyes, Nose, Fingers and Toes  by Judy Hindley
Hands Can  by Cheryl Willis Hudson*

For our craft we traced our hand on paper and then decorated it with foam hearts and letters that spelled our names

Extra activities:

We talked about the letter "H", the sound it makes and words that begin with "H"

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Head, shoulders, knees & toes
knees & toes
head, shoulders, knees & toes
knees & toes
eyes and ears and mouth and nose
head, shoulders, knees & toes
knees & toes

Ten Little Fingers
I have ten fingers and they all belong to me
I can make them do things. Would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight
Or open them wide
I can put them together or make them all hide
I can make them jump high
I can make them go low
I can fold them quietly and hold them just so

Right Hand, Left Hand
This is my right hand, I raise it up high
This is my left hand, I touch the sky
Right, hand, left hand
Roll them round and round
Right hand, left hand
Let's all sit down

Clap Your Hands
Clap, clap, clap your hands
as s-l-o-w-l-y as you can
clap, clap, clap your hands
as quickly as you can
(repeat verses with new words & motions)
shake, shake, shake your hands
roll, roll, roll your hands
rub, rub, rub your hands
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers

I Wiggle
I wiggle my fingers
I wiggle my toes
I wiggle my shoulders
I wiggle my nose
now no more wiggles
are left in me
so I will be still
as still as can be

March 5, 2014 Story Time - Your Body

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

My Body  by Brian Enslow*
Armpits to Zits  by Colleen Dolphin
The Bones You Own  by Becky Baines*
Thank You For Me  by Marion Dane Bauer
Look at You!: A Baby Body Book  by  Kathy Henderson
All of Baby Nose to Toes  by Victoria Adler*

For our craft we decorated craft sticks that were shaped like a person

Extra activities:

We talked about the letter "B", the sound it makes and words that begin with "B"

We talked about the different parts of our bodies and then sang the following songs:

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Head, shoulders, knees & toes
Knees & toes
Head, shoulders, knees & toes
Knees & toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees & toes
Knees & toes

I Use my Five Senses (tune: Farmer in the Dell)
I use my eyes to see, I use my eyes to see
and when I want to see a star, I use my eyes to see
I use my nose to smell, I use my nose to smell
and when I want to smell a flower, I use my nose to smell
I use my tongue to taste, I use my tongue to taste
and when I want to taste a peach, I use my tongue to taste
I use my ears to hear, I use my ears to hear
and when I want to hear a bird sing, I use my ears to hear
I use my hands to touch, I use my hands to touch
and when I want to touch something, I use my hands to touch