December 18, 2013 Story Time - Santa

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

(*marks the books we read)

Santa Claus is Comin' to Town  by J. Fred Coots*
Santa Duck  by David Milgrim
Who Will Help Santa This Year?  by Jerry Pallotta*
Are You Grumpy, Santa?  by Gregg & Evan Spiridellis
Little Santa  by Jon Agee*
Where, Oh Where, is Santa Claus?  by Lisa Wheeler

We made a Santa ornament from Oriental Trading Company

Extra activities:

If You're Jolly and You Know It
(sung to If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you're jolly and you know it say, Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
If you're jolly and you know it say, Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
If you're jolly and you know it,
Then you're face will surely show it
If you're jolly and you know it say, Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho

Cap, Beard, Belly, Boots
(sung to the tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes")
Cap, beard, belly, boots, belly, boots
Cap, beard, belly, boots, belly, boots
Fill a stocking, take a snooze
Cap, beard, belly, boots, belly, boots

Here is the Chimney
Here is the chimney (make fist, enclose thumb)
Here is the top (put palm of hand on top of fist)
Open the lid (remove hand quickly)
And out Santa pops (Pop up thumb)

December 11, 2013 Story Time - Missouri Building block Nominees 2013-2014

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did

(*marks the books we read)

We are reading the Missouri Building Block nominees for 2013 and voting on which book is our favorite.

One Special Day  by Lola M. Schaefer*
The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?  by Mo Willems*

Our craft was a family Christmas tree. We wrote family names on ornaments and glued them to Christmas trees.

Extra activities:

Flannel board story
Five Ginger Cookies
Five ginger cookies lying on a tray
One jumped up and flew away
Four ginger cookies lying on a tray
One jumped up and hopped away
Three ginger cookies lying on a tray
One jumped up and swam away
Two ginger cookies lying on a tray
One jumped up and hopped away
One ginger cookie lying on a tray
It jumped up and flew away
No ginger cookies lying on a tray
I should have eaten them right away!

Baby's Nap
This is baby ready for a nap (hold up finger)
Lay him down in his mother's lap (place finger in palm of hand)
Cover him up so he won't peep (wrap other fingers to cover him)
Rock him 'till he's fast asleep (rock hands to and fro)

December 4, 2013 Story Time - Missouri Building Block Nominees 2013-2014

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did

(*marks the books we read)

We are reading the Missouri Building Block Nominees for 2013 and voting on which book is our favorite.

Oh No, George!  by Chris Haughton*
Cat Secrets  by Jef Czekaj*

We made a picture of George from "Oh No, George". Children were given a picture of George, a recycling bin and paper to tear and glue. They had to decide whether George was good and kept the trash in the bin or if he was bad and spilled the trash all over.

Extra activities:

5 Little Kittens
5 little kittens, all black and white (hold up fist)
sleeping very soundly all through the night
Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow (stretch up a finger on each word)
Time to wake up now! (wiggle fingers)

Where is Big Cat (sung to Where is Thumbkin)
Where is big cat, where is big cat (hide thumbs behind back)
Here I am, here I am (bring out thumbs one at a time)
How are you today, cat (wiggle one thumb)
Very well I thank you (wiggle other thumb)
Meow, meow, meow (put thumb behind back)
Meow, meow, meow (put other thumb behind back)

5 Little Puppy Dogs
5 little puppy dogs by the kennel door (hold up five fingers)
One left the crowd, and then there were four (bend down thumb)
Four little puppy dogs running around a tree, 
Mother called one home, and then there were three (bend down a finger) 
Three little puppy dogs playing with a shoe, 
One ran after a cat, and then there were two (bend down another finger)
Two little puppy dogs having so much fun,
One went to find a bone, and then there was one (bend down another finger)
One little puppy dog sitting in the sun,
She went in the kennel, and then there were none (bend down last finger)