June 29, 2016 Story Time - Sharks

If you missed this weeks story time, here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

How To Spy On a Shark  by Lori Haskins Houran*
Sharks  by Martha E. H. Rustad
I'm a Shark  by Bob Shea*
Sharks  by Catriona Clarke
Shark in The Dark  by Peter Bently*
20 Fun Facts About Sharks  by Heather Moore Niver*
Sharks Biggest! Littlest!  by Sandra Markle
Hark! A Shark! All About Sharks  by Bonnie Worth

For our craft we made a shark headband by coloring the shark of our choice (hammerhead, whale, great white or mako) then gluing it to a headband of our choice (green, blue, pink, green, yellow or white)

Extra activities:
We learned some facts about sharks, such as:

1) A group of hammerhead sharks is called a shiver. The are the only sharks that swim in a group.
2) A whale shark is the largest fish in the sea. Some whale sharks are longer than a bus!
3) The fastest kind of shark is the mako shark
4) Sharks are almost always losing teeth. Shark teeth are replaced with new ones every 8 days
5) A sharks skeleton isn't made of bone. It's made of cartilage. Humans have cartilage in their bodies too. Our noses and ears are mostly cartilage
6) Sharks are most active after the sun goes down and at night
7) Sharks' scales are almost as tough as their teeth
8) Sharks are colorful creatures. They can be blue, red-brown, black or grey. They can also have stripes or spots
9) Some sharks can push their stomach out of their mouth! They do this to empty their stomach after eating something that makes them sick. Balloon sharks fill their belly with air or water when they're scared
10) A great white shark can smell one drop of blood in an Olympic-size swimming pool. Of its five senses, the shark's sense of smell is the best. The shark uses around 70 percent of its brain for its sense of smell. Sharks can use smell to find their prey. The hungrier they are, the better they can smell

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