September 13, 2017 Story Time - Ice Age

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

The Ice Tracker's Guide  by Adrian Lister*
The Great Ice Age  by Christopher Maynard
Why, Why, Why Were Mammoths Woolly?  by Miles Kelly Publishing
Ice Age Giants  by Steve Parker*
Ask A Dinosaur  by Olivia Brookes
Giant Ground Sloth  by Michael P. Goecke

For our craft we put together a dinosaur bone puzzle like this:

Extra activities
We talked about the animals that lived during the ice age like: saber tooth cats, mastodons, woolly mammoths, etc

Hands on Shoulders
Hands on shoulders, hands on knees
hands behind you if you please
touch your shoulders, now your nose
now your chin and now your toes
hands up high in the air
down at your sides and touch your hair
hands up high as before
now clap your hands - one, two, three, four

Put your hands up high (sung to "Do Your Ears Hang Low")
Put your hands up high
put your hands down low
put your hands in the middle and wiggle them so
put your elbows to the front put your elbows to the back
put your elbows to the side and
quack! quack! quack!

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