If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
(*marks the books we read)
Flower Garden by Eve Bunting*
Flowers and Showers: a Spring Counting Book by Rebecca Fjelland Davis
Good Morning, Garden by Barbara Brenner*
Little Seeds by Charles Ghigna*
What Does Bunny See? by Linda Sue Park
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
I made the craft we did on Publisher. It was a flower box with plant stems and the children glued flowers on the stems.
Extra activities:
10 Little Daisies
One little, two little, three little daisies
four little, five little, six little daisies
seven little, eight little, nine little daisies
10 little daisies standing straight and tall
Daffodil Fingerplay
One little daffodil had nothing much to do,
out popped another one, then there were two.
Two little daffodils were smiling at a bee,
out popped another one, then there were three.
Three little daffodils were growing by the door,
out popped another one and then there were four.
Four little daffodils were glad to be alive,
out popped another one, then there were were five.
Five little daffodils were wearing golden crowns,
They danced in the breeze in green satin gowns.
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