If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
(*marks the books we read)
Planting the Wild Garden by Kathryn O. Galbraith*
In the Garden: Who's Been Here? by Lindsay Barrett George
Isabella's Garden by Glenda Millard
My Garden by Kevin Henkes*
Secrets of the Garden: food chains and the food web in our backyard by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
Seeds, Seeds, Seeds by Brian and Jillian Cutting*
10 Hungry Rabbits: counting & color concepts for the very young by Anita Lobel
The craft we made was created on Publisher. We colored a small watering can and punched two holes in the bottom. Then we tied small vegetable and flower seed packets to the watering can with colorful yarn. The seed packets were also made using Publisher.
Extra activities:
We sang a song to the tune of "If You're Happy & You Know It"
I need water, I need sunshine, I need dirt. (yes, dirt!)
I need water, I need sunshine, I need dirt. (yes, dirt!)
If I want to grow up tall, If I want to grow at all,
I need water, I need sunshine, I need dirt. (yes, dirt!)
We talked about what plants need to grow. We used hand gestures too, for water (wiggle outstretched fingers) sunshine (hands forming circle over your head) and dirt (hands clapping together)
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