March 2, 2016 Story Time - On the Farm

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Pete the Cat - Old MacDonald Had a Farm  by James Dean*
Down on the Farm  by Merrily Kutner
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm  by Joy Cowley
True or False? Farm Animals  by Daniel Nunn
Big Red Barn  by Margaret Wise Brown*
Old MacDonald Had a Dragon  by Ken Baker
Farm Animals  by Katie Daynes
Going To Sleep On The Farm  by Wendy Cheyette Lewison*
This is the Farmer  by Nancy Tafuri

For our craft we made a farm scene using the images found here:

Extra activities:
We sang "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" while we read the Pete the Cat book

We played a guessing game called "Farmer, farmer what do you see?". I held up pictures of farm animals and the children had to guess which animal it was and what sound it made. Animals used: goose, lamb, horse, goat, dog, chicken, cat, cow, pig and rooster.

Farm riddles:
I am an animal,
and I have four legs,
I have a swishy tail,
and sometimes I have horns
what am I?
I am a machine,
I have 4 wheels,
the farmer rides on me,
and I help him do his work
what am I?
I live in the barn,
and eat the corn,
I am small,
and I squeak
what am I?
I sleep in the barn,
and I like to eat hay,
I have 4 legs,
and I like to say "neigh"
If I'm good,
sometimes I get an apple
what am I?
Some people think I'm pink,
I really like the mud,
I use it to keep cool,
I also like to eat slop
what am I?
I am big and red,
I'm made of wood,
many animals come visit me,
especially when it rains
what am I?

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