For the next two months we will be reading and voting on the 2014 Missouri Building Block award nominee books.
*marks the books we read
This Little Piggy by Tim Harrington*
Ribbit! by Rodrigo Folgueira*
For our craft we made a paper bag frog like the one found here:
Extra activities:
Little Frog
I'm a little frog (point to self)
sitting on a log
Listen to my song (hand to ear)
I sing it all day long (cup hands to mouth)
Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!
If I'm hungry, I eat flies (hand to mouth)
and I can blink my eyes (blink)
I hop, and hop and hop (jump 3 times)
and then, I stop! (clap clap)
Two Mother Pigs
Two mother pigs lived in a pen (show thumbs)
each had four babies, and that made ten (show fingers & thumbs)
these four babies were black as night (thumb in palm, wiggle fingers)
these four babies were black and white (switch hands, repeat)
but all eight babies loved to play
and they rolled and rolled in the mud all day (roll hands)
at night, with their mother, they curled up in a heap (clasp hands)
and squealed and squealed till they fell fast asleep
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