If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
Monkey Colors by Darrin Lunde*
A Trip to the Zoo by Karen Wallace
Two Little Monkeys by Mem Fox*
Banana! by Ed Vere
Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett*
Naughty Little Monkeys by Jim Aylesworth
What Do You Do At The Zoo? by Susan E. Goodman*
For our craft we made paper bag monkeys. I used the pattern found here:
Extra activities:
We talked about the letters "Z" and "M" the sound they make and words that begin with "Z" and "M"
Five Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree
teasing Mr. Crocodile, you can't catch me
along comes Mr. Crocodile....quiet as can be
and he snaps (clap hands) that monkey right out of that tree.
Repeat with four, three, two and one. After the last monkey, say no more monkeys swinging in the tree!
Five Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
one fell off and bumped his head
momma called the doctor and the doctor said
no more monkeys jumping on the bed!
Repeat with four, three, two, one little monkey, then....
no little monkeys jumping on the bed
none fell off and bumped his head
momma called the doctor and the doctor said
put those monkeys back in bed!
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