If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
Flowers and Showers by Rebecca Fjelland Davis*
April Fool! by Harriet Ziefert
Rain by Marion Dane Bauer
Who Likes Rain? by Wong Herbert Yee*
Let's Read About Rain by Kristin Boerger
Rain by Kristin Ward*
The Rain Train by Elena De Roo
April by Robyn Brode*
The craft we did can be found at: http://www.dltk-teach.com/books/littlecritter/
Extra activities:
We talked about the letters "A" & "S", the sounds they make and other words that start with those letters
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout
down came the rain and washed the spider out
out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider crawled up the spout again
(We used colored umbrellas for both finger plays listed below)
Color Umbrellas
Here are some umbrellas
just for me and you
can you name their colors?
red, yellow, blue
Here are more umbrellas
the prettiest we've seen
now let's name their colors
purple, orange, green
Five Umbrellas
Five umbrellas stood by the back door
the red one went outside
and then there were four
Four umbrellas, pretty as can be
the blue one went outside
and then there were three
Three umbrellas, with nothing to do
the green one went outside
and then there were two
Two umbrellas not having much fun
the yellow one went outside
and then there was one
Just one umbrella alone in the hall
the purple one went outside
and that was all
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