If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
(*marks the books we read)

Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner*
Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright
Snowboy 1, 2, 3 by Joe Wahman*
Snowzilla by Janet Lawler*
S is for Snowman by Kathy-jo Wargin
A Really Good Snowman by Daniel J. Mahoney
For our craft we decorated a snowman shape with winter stickers
Extra activities:
We talked about the letter "S", the sound it makes and words that start with "S"
I'm a Friendly Snowman (sung to "I'm a Little Teapot")
I'm a friendly snowman big and fat
(stretch arms out to sides)
Here is my tummy and here is my hat
(point to tummy and then to your head)
I'm a happy fellow, here's my nose
(smile, then point to your nose)
I'm all snow from my head to my toes
(point to head and then to toes)
I have two bright eyes so I can see
(point to your eyes)
All the snow falling down on me
(flutter fingers downward)
When the weather's cold I'm strong and tall
(stand up tall)
But when it's warm I get very small
(crouch down low)
Where is Snowman? (sung to "where is Thumbkin")
Where is snowman? Where is snowman?
(hide hands behind back)
Here I am. Here I am.
(hold up each index finger)
How are you today sir?
(wiggle each index finger as if talking)
Very well, I thank you
(wiggle each index finger again)
Melt away. Melt away
(hide hands behind back)
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