If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
(*marks the books we read)
The Hat by Jan Brett*
Hats Can Help by Alice K. Flanagan
One Mitten by Kristine O'Connell George*
Zoe's Hats: a Book of Colors and Patterns by Sharon Lane Holm
A Mountain of Mittens by Lynn Plourde
For our craft we glued two mittens on paper, glued a piece of yarn from one mitten to the other and added cotton and sequins to decorate.
Other activities:
We talked about the letters "H" and "M", the sound they make and other words that begin with those letters
We played a matching mitten game
My Hat (make triangle with thumb and index fingers)
My hat has three corners (put triangle on head)
Three corners has my hat (hold up three fingers)
If it did not have three corners (shake head "no")
It would not be my hat (place triangle on head again)
Mitten Weather
The thumb in the thumb place
Fingers all together
This is the song we sing
When it's mitten weather
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