October 16, 2013 Story Time - Cookies

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

(*marks the books we read)

Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?  by Bonnie Lass & Philemon Sturges*
How do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies?  by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
The Best Mouse Cookie  by Laura Numeroff*
The Cow Loves Cookies  by Karma Wilson
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie  by Laura Numeroff
Who ate all the Cookie Dough?  by Karen Beaumont*
Mmm, Cookies!  by Robert Munsch
The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?  by Mo Willems*
Cookies Bite-Size Life Lessons  by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

We decorated sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles for a treat

Extra activities:

We talked about the letter "C" the sound it makes and words that begin with the letter "C"

Making Cookies
I am making cookie dough (hold out arms in a circle, like a bowl)
Round and round the beaters go (roll hands)
Add some flour from a cup (shake a pretend cup)
Stir and stir the batter up (stirring motion)
Roll them, cut them nice and neat (rolling pin motion)
Put them on a cookie sheet (place pretend cookies)
Bake them, count them 1-2-3 (counting motion)
Serve them to my friends with tea (take a bite!)

We took paper ingredients (measuring cup with water, tablespoon with salt, baking soda, vanilla, eggs, and chocolate chips) and added them to a mixing bowl then stirred with a spatula to create our cookie dough, then we decorated and ate our sugar cookies

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