Helpful children's programming and story time information from the Jefferson County Library Windsor Branch.
November 30, 2016 Story Time - Miss Patty's Favorite Books
If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
Who Has This Tail? by Larua Hulbert*
Who's in the Tub? by Sylvie Jones
Whose Eye Am I? by Shelley Rotner*
Whoo Goes There? by Jennifer A. Ericsson
Who Has These Feet? by Laura Hulbert*
This is what we made for our craft:
Extra activities:
We played a game of "whose feet are these?" I had the heads of different animals and the children had to match the correct feet to each animal
Hands on Shoulders
Hands on shoulders, hands on knees
hands behind you if you please
touch your shoulders, now your nose
now your chin and now your toes
hands up high in the sir
down at your sides and touch your hair
hands up high as before
now clap your hands-one, two, three, four
November 23, 2016 Story Time - Miss Patty's Favorite Books
If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
Open This Little Book by Jesse Klausmeier*
Is That WISE Pig? by Jan Thomas*
Open Very Carefully-A Book With Bite by Nicola O'Byrne*
That Is NOT a Good Idea! by Mo Willems*
Do Not Open This Book! by Adam Lehrhaupt*
For our craft we made a picture like this:
Extra activities:
The books we read had both alligators and crocodiles in them so we talked about the differences, like:
- crocodiles have longer, more V-shaped heads and alligators have shorter, wider U-shaped ones
- crocodiles are better adapted to living in seawater, where alligators favor fresh water
- crocodiles are more aggressive than alligators
- crocodiles tend to have a lighter appearance and alligators a darker one
- crocodiles in the wild are found all over the world, while alligators are only found in the US and China
Crocodile, crocodile (suit actions to words)
Crocodile, crocodile turn around
crocodile, crocodile touch the ground
crocodile, crocodile dance on your toes
crocodile, crocodile touch your nose
crocodile, crocodile jump up now
crocodile, crocodile take a bow
crocodile, crocodile stomp your feet
crocodile, crocodile take a seat
November 16, 2016 Story Time - Miss Patty's Favorite Books
If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
Magic Opposites by Patrick George*
Magic Colors by Patrick George*
Press Here by Herve Tullet*
For our craft we made an opposite picture with images of day time things (sun, rainbow, ladybug,etc) on one side and night time things (star, planet, moon, etc) on the other.
Extra activities:
Opposite game (magnetic board)
We played a game where everyone got a chance to place a picture under the HOT or COLD signs
November 9, 2016 Story Time - Miss Patty's Favorite Books
If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
The Croaky Pokey! by Ethan Long*
AH HA! by Jeff Mack*
Frog on a Log? by Kes Gray & Jim Field*
The Frog Who Lost His Underpants by Juliette MacIver
For our craft we made a picture like this one:

We glued a green lily pad to blue paper, colored and added a frog, then glued on a yarn tongue to catch our flies
Extra activities
As we read "The Croaky Pokey!" by Ethan Long we did the dance described in the story and it went like this:
Put your right hand in,
put your right hand out,
put your right hand in,
and wave it all about,
hop the croaky pokey
as we chase a fly around,
right in the froggy's mouth! (CLAP)
Other verses:
left hand, right foot, left foot, head, backside, your whole self
November 2, 2016 Story Time - Miss Patty's Favorite Books
If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
The Itsy Bitsy Spider by Iza Trapani*
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes by Jeannie Winston*
If You're Happy And You Know It-Jungle Edition by James Warhola*
Wheels on the Bus by Raffi*
Clap Your Hands by Lorinda Bryan Cauley*
The bus we made for our craft can be found here:
Extra activities
After we read each book we also sang the songs
Itsy Bitsy Spider
If You're Happy and You Know It
Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
all through the town
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,
all through the town
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back,
move on back, move on back;"
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back",
all through the town
The baby on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah".
The baby on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah",
all through the town
The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush."
The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush"
all through the town
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