July 27, 2016 Story Time - Sea Turtles

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did

*marks the books we read

Sea Turtle  by Anders Hanson*
Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!  April Pulley Sayre
Turtle in the Sea  by Jim Arnosky
Sea Turtles  by Martha E. H. Rustad*
Sea Turtle Journey-The Story of a Loggerhead Turtle  by Lorraine A. Jay*
Under the Sea  by Fiona Patchett*

For our craft we made a CD turtle like this:

Extra activities

We talked about sea turtles; where they live, what they eat, etc

This is My Turtle
This is my turtle (make fist)
she lives in a shell
she likes her home very well
she pokes her head out (stick out your thumb)
when she wants to eat
and pulls it back in (tuck thumb in)
when she wants to sleep

July 20, 2016 Story Time - Fish

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

Hooray for Fish!  by Lucy Cousins*
A School of Fish  by Alex Kuskowski*
Starfish by Edith Thacher Hurd
Fish  by Karen Perez
Rain Fish  by Lois Ehlert*
How to Catch a Fish  by John Frank
Sea Stars  by Ryan Nagelhout
Discovering Starfish  by Lorijo Metz
Oceans Alive - Sea Stars  by Ann Herriges*
Secret Seahorse  by Stella Blackstone
Fish Had a Wish  by Michael Garland

For our craft we made starfish necklaces like the one here:

Extra activities:

We talked about fish, where they live, what they eat, etc

Five Little Fish
One little fishy swimming in the ocean blue
here comes another one, then there were two
two little fishies swimming in the sea
here comes another one, then there were three
three little fishies swimming near the shore
here comes another one, then there were four
four little fishies getting ready to dive
here comes another one and now there are five
here comes a shark, looking for some fun
look out little fishies and away then run

Five Little Fishies
Five little fish swimming by the shore
one got caught, now there are four
four little fish swimming in the sea
one got caught, now there are three
three little fish swimming in the blue
one got caught, now there are two
two little fish swimming in the sun
one got caught, now there's only one
one little fish swimming straight for home
he decided it was better not to roam

July 13, 2016 Story Time - Dolphins

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

A Day in the Life: Sea Animals Dolphin  by Louise Spilsbury*
The Curious Little Dolphin  by Patricia Jensen
Dolphins  by Martha E. H. Rustad
Whales and Dolphins  by Peter & Connie Roop*
Dolphin Dive  by James Buckley, Jr.
A Pod of Dolphins  by Matthew Fenner*
Diving Dolphins  by Karen Wallace

For our craft we made a picture like this one:

Extra activities:

We talked about dolphins; where they live, what they eat, what they look like, etc.

We watched a video about dolphins:

July 6, 2016 Story Time - Octopuses

If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:

*marks the books we read

My Octopus Arms  by Keith Baker*
Can You Imagine? Being an Octopus  by Kevin Pearce
Good Thing You're Not an Octopus!  by Julie Markes*
An Octopus is Amazing  by Patricia Lauber
Octopus Under the Sea  by Connie and Peter Roop*
Out of the Blue  by Alison Jay
Octopuses  by Lola M. Schaefer
Octopus Opposites  by Stella Blackstone*
Oceans Alive - Octopuses  by Ann Herriges

For our craft we made an octopus from a paper plate. We decorated half a paper plate, then glued on 8 crepe paper arms and added big googly eyes.

Extra activities:

We talked about octopuses. How many arms they have, that they have suction cups on their arms, that they shoot ink out when they are frightened and about what they like to eat.