If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
*marks the books we read
Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? by Bonnie Lass*
No More Cookies! by Paeony Lewis
Fortune Cookies by Albert Bitterman*
YUM! A Tale of Two Cookies by Jane Seymour
Who Put The Cookies in The Cookie Jar? by George Shannon*
Calling All Cookies! by Charles M. Schulz*
Honey Cookies by Meredith Hooper
The Difference Between Babies & Cookies by Mary Hanson
Cookies Bite-Size Life Lessons by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
For our craft we colored different shaped cookies and glued them to a paper plate
Extra activities:
We talked about the letter "C" the sound it makes and words that start with "C"
Making Cookies
I am making cookie dough (hold out arms in a circle, like a bowl)
Round and round the beaters go (roll hands)
Add some flour from a cup (shake a pretend cup)
Stir and stir the batter up (stirring motion)
Roll them, cut them nice and neat (roll hands)
Put them on a cookie sheet (hold hands together)
Bake them, count them 1-2-3 (counting motion)
Serve them to my friends and me (take a bite!)
Who took the cookies?
Who took the cookies from the cookie jar?
Who me? Yes you!
Couldn't be! Then who?
(child's name) took the cookies from the cookie jar
Who me? Yes you!
Couldn't be! Then who?
(Continue with the other children's names)