If you missed this weeks story time here is what we did:
(*marks the books we read)
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town by J. Fred Coots*
Santa Duck by David Milgrim
Who Will Help Santa This Year? by Jerry Pallotta*
Are You Grumpy, Santa? by Gregg & Evan Spiridellis
Little Santa by Jon Agee*
Where, Oh Where, is Santa Claus? by Lisa Wheeler
We made a Santa ornament from Oriental Trading Company
Extra activities:
If You're Jolly and You Know It
(sung to If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you're jolly and you know it say, Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
If you're jolly and you know it say, Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
If you're jolly and you know it,
Then you're face will surely show it
If you're jolly and you know it say, Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
Cap, Beard, Belly, Boots
(sung to the tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes")
Cap, beard, belly, boots, belly, boots
Cap, beard, belly, boots, belly, boots
Fill a stocking, take a snooze
Cap, beard, belly, boots, belly, boots
Here is the Chimney
Here is the chimney (make fist, enclose thumb)
Here is the top (put palm of hand on top of fist)
Open the lid (remove hand quickly)
And out Santa pops (Pop up thumb)